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Undecided on your program and career path? Explore your options!

Haven’t decided on a program or Educational Focus Area (EFA) yet? You’re not alone. Many students explore their options before choosing a path.

It’s OK to be undecided upon enrolling at CCC. However, choosing an educational path early on can help you when it comes to financial aid, personal finances and the time it takes to reach your goals. The resources and tools below will help get you started!

Step-by-step guide for undecided students

Not sure what program, Educational Focus Area (EFA), or career you’re interested in? Or maybe you want to change your program? Follow the steps below to start exploring your options!

Step 01

Explore programs and careers

Sign up for Career Coach and take the 60-question career assessment. Career Coach is free and the career assessment only takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
Step 02

Meet with the Career Center

Meet with the Career Center to review your career assessment results and explore careers, Educational Focus Areas (EFAs), and programs at CCC.
Step 03

Meet with an academic advisor

Schedule an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss your interests, create an educational plan, select classes, and if you’re ready, declare a program or educational focus area.
Step 04

Explore additional resources

If you’re still feeling unsure about program and career options, explore more resources through the Career Center. CCC also offers exploration classes:

It's OK if you don’t know what you want to study or what you want your career to be. It can take time to figure out and it's OK to change your mind. Adults change their careers three to seven times in their lifetime. These resources are meant to help explore your interests and narrow down your options. We know it can feel overwhelming. That's why we're here to help!

Download a printable version of this step-by-step guide for undecided students (PDF)

Resources for undecided students

Program and career exploration tools at CCC
Departments on campus that can help

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